It's been 15 years since I discovered brainwave entrainment, and what a blessing in my life it has been.
Plagued with anxiety and depression in my teens, binaural beats, and more recently self-hypnosis, have helped me so much.
I have rediscovered my confidence, improved my focus and concentration and become more mindful in everyday life. I have reduced my anxiety and feel a lot happier these days.
I have tried over 100 audios and I'm always on the look out for new stuff, which of course I'll share with you here on my blog, along with other articles on brainwave entrainment and mind-body-enhancing tech.

Yes, I am a bit geeky!
I started this site to help other people learn about brainwave entrainment, how it works, how to use it properly and the best products to buy.
I cover a lot on binaural beats, but I also cover hypnosis and healing too; so hopefully there's something here for everyone interested in this area.
Rest assured that I only recommend products and programs I have used personally and have gotten good results with.
I'll be upfront with you and say that for some of the products I recommend I have joined the company affiliate program, which means I make a small commission if you click through from my site and buy the product.
I hope you don't mind me doing this, but it helps pay for the site hosting and domain costs and the time it takes to research and write the articles. Rest assured though, I never recommend anything I haven't used personally.
In the last 3 years, since completing my sound engineering degree, I have started producing my own music too. You can listen to one of my binaural beats here.
I hope that my blog helps you understand binaural beats, hypnosis and the world of brainwave entrainment a lot better, and gives you all the information you need to get started and reap the benefits like I have.
Thank you for visiting.
Lawrence Weller – The Binaural Beats Freak!
Jason says
Hey, I’ve just become aware of binaural/monaural mind training and I want to get into it. I’ve got these charts with different frequencies and properties. I downloaded Audacity so I could mix some frequencies in jazz music I like to listen to. And now that I’m actually able to make my own binaural beats, I have questions and you seem well versed. Say I want to create a binaural result of 432 Hz; would there be any difference in using 432 with 864 or 200 with 632 or 1000 with 1432? If I made a beat using 432 in both sides, listening in headphones they’d cancel out and I’d get nothing but listening over speakers I’d get 432 monaural, right? Would listening to monaural beats of the same frequency with headphones just cause them to cancel out?
bbfreak says
Hi Jason, great to see you’re diving into binaural and monaural beats! I’ll clarify some things to help with your setup.
For binaural beats, you want to create a frequency difference between the two ears that the brain interprets as a “phantom” beat. For instance, if you want a binaural beat frequency of 6 Hz (ideal for deep relaxation), you’d set one ear to 432 Hz and the other to 438 Hz. The brain will then “perceive” the 6 Hz difference, not an actual frequency.
However, I wouldn’t use frequencies that high because the tone would be very high pitched. Use a carrier frequency of between 100-250 Hz. There are recommended carrier frequencies for creating binaural beats. Google the Oster Curve.
When you use identical frequencies on both sides, like 432 Hz in both ears, they won’t produce a binaural beat because there’s no difference to “beat against.” Listening with headphones would give you a single pure tone of 432 Hz in each ear without any rhythmic beat effect. 432 Hz is a solfeggio frequency, a frequency used in music tuning rather than to create binaural beats or monaural tones. However, you can create a pure tone or monaural tone at 432 Hz.
If you want a monaural beat effect, which doesn’t require headphones, you can combine two slightly different frequencies (e.g., 432 and 436 Hz) and listen through speakers. The interference of the two frequencies creates an amplitude modulation at the target frequency (like 4 Hz) throughout the space, which can be heard without headphones.
Hope this clears it up.
Steven says
Hi Lawrence, so glad I found your website! (bookmarked) I’ve been meditating regularly for a while now, and want to use binaural beats to enhance my experience. I have a question: do all of your headphone recommendations have a wide frequency response as I’ve heard is required?
Thank you!
bbfreak says
Hi Steven,
Thank you so much for bookmarking the site! I’m really happy to hear that you’ve been meditating regularly and are interested in using binaural beats to enhance your experience.
Yes, all of my headphone recommendations work perfectly for binaural beats. Humans can only hear sounds within the range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz, and all binaural beats tracks use frequencies well within this range.
It’s important to note that the frequency your brain follows during a binaural beats session is the mathematical difference between the two tones sent to your left and right ears (this is called the frequency-following response). For example, while humans can’t hear a 6 Hz theta frequency directly, if a 200 Hz tone is played in your left ear and a 206 Hz tone in your right ear, your brain will naturally respond to the 6 Hz difference by producing theta brainwaves.
So, as long as the headphones cover the standard human hearing range (which all of mine do), you’ll be able to benefit fully from the binaural beats experience.
All the best!
Georgina says
Good evening Lawrence,
I wanted to ask you if you have had any experience with neowake ( The site offers 500+ sessions for 20 euros/month for all possible effects. Basically a good offer in my opinion…but only if the quality is right. And unfortunately I don’t know much about that and thought I’d ask an expert like you.
Best wishes
bbfreak says
Hi Georgina,
I haven’t heard of them but I do see a red flag with marketing copy like this: Just 10 minutes a day is enough to feel permanent changes. 15 mins is usually the recommended amount of time to benefit from a session.
Paul says
Hello Lawrence,
after your recommendation on BBM and Ennora I bought some sessions there and first of all I would like to say that I really haven’t regretted it. Thank you very much!
I have one question for you: I use binaural beats mainly for learning and working. In other words, for areas where concentration, focus and the ability to recall learned knowledge (e.g. flashcards) are required.
Now I’ve noticed that both providers have a few sessions for this, but they all work with significantly different frequencies.
1. Zen Focus, BBM (14Hz)
2. super brain power, BBM (10Hz+18Hz)
3. flow state, BBM (11Hz)
4. Sharp Mind, BBM (15Hz)
5. deep concentration, Ennora (low alpha)
6. brain power, Ennora (12Hz)
How is it possible that the same goals can be achieved despite these different frequencies? Or are there differences in the type of concentration (one that is better for memorizing flashcards and one for working on the PC?)
I am unsure about this and would also like to understand the meaning behind it and not just try it out.
Do you have an explanation for this and can you help me?
Best regards
bbfreak says
Hi Paul,
I’m glad to hear that the recommendation worked out for you!
You’ve raised an excellent question about the different frequencies and how they can all aim to improve concentration and focus despite their differences.
Different frequencies can target various aspects of cognitive function, which is why you see such a range. So, while the end goal of improved concentration and focus is shared across these sessions, the different frequencies allow you to tailor the experience to the specific type of focus you need. For example, if you’re memorizing flashcards, sessions with alpha waves like “Brain Power” might be more effective. On the other hand, if you’re working on a task that requires quick thinking or problem-solving, a session like “Sharp Mind” with higher beta waves might be better suited.
Understanding these nuances can help you select the most appropriate session depending on what type of focus you need. It’s not just about trying them out, but about aligning the frequency with your specific goals.
I hope this helps clarify things for you! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Paul says
Thank you Lawrence for this detailed answer. It’s all really very exciting and makes me want to dive deeper into it.
Do you know a source where the possible effects of the individual frequencies are described?
Unfortunately, I’ve only ever found articles that talk about alpha waves, theta waves etc. in general.
Thank you very much for your help!
Katherine Woodford says
I resently rekndled an interest in cymatics and sound therapy. I was suspicious of the YouTube offerings, so I was very grateful to find your website. I am trying to find a binaual beat MP3 on feeling free (with responsibility, of course). Are you aware of one?
Thank you!
Saii says
Have you ever noticed the frequency numbers? They say a lot…. I think you’d be interested in what I see. Would be too much to type out, but we could do a Zoom session and I can point it out as I explain it. I think it will open a new door for you.
harmen Van Hoogevest says
Hello Lawrence, I did take your advice and ordered from BBm,and Ennora. Very happy with my choice! I am a retired mental health clinician, and used neurofeedback with some of my clients with good results. I have a client who suffers from epilepsy (daily). NFB training is contra indicated. Are you aware of any entrainment program that will train Sensory Motor frequency (12 to 15 Hz?) Thank you in advance. Cheers, Harmen
bbfreak says
Hi Harmen, I had a look and couldn’t find a specific track with just those frequencies I’m afraid.
David Longland says
Love your website. So informative.
I took your advice about headphones and bought the Superlux HD681B… very happy with them.
What I am looking for now is a reasonably priced headband for sleeping. I bought a set from SleepPhones…. fine, but expensive. Any suggestions for something wired and more affordable?
One more thing, what is your opinion on Inspire3 binaurals?
Thanks a lot,
bbfreak says
Hi David, thank you for your kind words.
Do mean wired phones for sleeping? You could try these Cozyphones., which are very affordable. That said, the wired SleepPhones Classic are only around $14 more.
Which Inspire3 do you mean, the Brain Evolution?
David says
Hi, thanks for the advice, I shall look at Cozyphones. I meant the Zen12 collection, however I am also interested to know your opinion on Brain Evolution. Thanks.
bbfreak says
I tried the free tracks and felt it wasn’t for me. The guided version was quite good but the soundtrack and the frequency track felt dissonant together and somewhat jarring to listen to. You can get the free tracks here. You might like it though; let me know what you think.
Brainev is quite good but it’s a bit dated now and expensive in comparison to better options these days like BBM and iAwake. I have an iAwake review here:
David says
Thanks for the advice. Got some iAwake tracks and am very happy with them. As you say, a bit pricey but worth the extra. Best wishes, David
Pete says
Hi there, hope you’re well.
Could you let me know what you think about, please?
They have a package for $77 with all their products, while charge more.
What’s your advice, please?
Thank you for your time!
Best regards,
bbfreak says
Never heard of Spiritual Beats but Binauralbeatsmeditation has 40% off today for Independence Day weekend, so you can custom make a Mega Pack of 12 tracks for $35.99, a bit more if you add subliminal products. Hope this helps.
Yutaka says
Hi. Do you know anything about the works of Greg Frost? I’ve been trying to look for more info on his technology but I can’t find anything. I was wondering if you had any answers. Thanks. ~Yutaka
bbfreak says
Hey Yutaka, thanks for reaching out. I’ve not heard of him, no. I’d be pretty careful where and what you buy, as there’s a lot of overpriced snake oil out there. I’d stick with or – these guys really produce high quality stuff that has lasting effects.