The thing that first intrigued me about Marisa Peer was how ordinarily she is.
I don't mean that in a derogatory way. I mean, she is an attractive, intelligent woman, but she could just be your next door neighbor, one of the moms at your school, the lady working at the store; you get the picture.
I think that's her unique selling point, because at one time in her life she thought she was really ordinary: She thought she was unattractive and not destined for much, happy with just being a nanny. She didn't think she had the potential for much more.
Until she realized that everyone has the capacity to create a professional and personal life that they enjoy.
In this review of Marisa Peer's Uncompromised Life program, I'm going to walk through what you can expect to gain from the modules and how I personally related to each of the learnings.
Who is Marisa Peer?
I guess this is a good place to start, because it makes sense to want to know a bit more about your teacher.
As I mentioned above, Marisa started out with a pretty ordinary life, but she evolved to become a famous therapist and who has worked with everyone from musicians and actors to footballers and royalty.
Her clients include TV presenter Anna Richardson, footballer Jason Roberts, and CEO and bestselling author Ryan Levesque.
She has been a therapist 25 years and was voted the UK's number 1 therapist by Tatler magazine.
Marisa is well known for her transformational approach that achieves rapid mental shifts for her students. This is what has made her successful and caught the eye of the MindValley organization, who have developed this course with her on their platform.
Marisa’s approach is known as Transformational Hypnotherapy: a mind optimization science that completely transforms a person’s way of thinking and living, often in as little as one or two sessions – though go through 8 sessions (more like levels) in the program.
Through her work, Marisa has discovered 8 unique mental thought models that only the world’s top 1% of Super Achievers possess – but that anyone in the remaining 99% can adopt too, to create their own extraordinary life.
Capture the empowering beliefs, habits & thought patterns of the world’s top super achievers
Marisa's Transformational Approach
As someone who is interested in everything to do with the mind, and has been involved in brainwave entrainment for many years, hypnotherapy is a keen interest of mine.
I have read extensively on the power of the mind and more specifically on how the subconscious mind controls our emotions and actions in life, and ultimately dictates who we are and what we achieve.
And it is this area that Marisa Peer is able to tap into and apply her approach. She understands that the large majority of people holding themselves back with false beliefs about their potential.
From childhood up until the present day, you have continually been collecting data that is stored on your hard drive, i.e. your subconscious mind.
So essentially you operate on autopilot, allowing fears, insecurities and anxieties from the past to control your thought processes and subsequent actions in the present.
For example, most of us subconsciously believe the following, to a certain degree:
- You aren't capable or talented enough.
- Success is for other people.
- You will never be happy / you don't deserve to be happy.
- You can't have it all: you can be successful in some ways, but not others.
- Wealthy people are a different type of person, and you are not one of those people.
Sound familiar?
In a nutshell, the majority of us lack confidence in ourselves, even if we don't realize it. And it's not necessarily our fault, either.
It could be that negative influences from your childhood have created such a mindset.
Perhaps you've had some bad experiences that have caused you to withdraw and become reserved and unconfident in your potential.
Or perhaps you've had parental / adult influences in your life that have made you believe you aren't good enough.
What you realize from Marisa's training is that we all have these blockages, these barriers of limitation, and we need to overcome them to move forward and be successful in the areas of life we desire.
Instantly get to the root of your issues and rewire your brain for abundance
Your Personal Definition of Success
Of course we'd all like to be wealthy, and many of us would like to be the CEO of a huge company and gain the respect of our peers.
But actually, when you sit down and think about it, most of us just want to be happy.
We want to wake up in the morning and look forward to the day. We want to go to bed at night and feel that we have had a fulfilling day and enjoyed what we've done.
Ultimately, this is the key to happiness and better health. Many of us would simply like to have a job that we enjoy and that comfortably covers the rent or the mortgage and enables our family to live a comfortable life.
We want to feel inspired, worthy and that we are using our potential: using our minds and bodies to make a difference in the world, even if it's just a small difference to a small number of people.
In this way life is of great value, and with that comes contentment.
The reason I'm saying this is that some people might be slightly put off by the advertising of the program – because it speaks about wealth and the fact that Marisa has trained CEOs and that her clients include some very high-profile people.
Sure, this is impressive and at the end of the day MindValley is a business, so they are going to market courses in such a way because people want to believe that the sky is the limit – which it is.
But at the same time I want you to realize that this course is for everyday people like me, and maybe you. People who see the bigger picture of happiness and want to learn simple and effective techniques that will remove emotional baggage and barriers to reaching our potential.
Much of what Marisa teaches is learning about the mind and how it controls us. She uses techniques that help you recognize this control and overcome it. It's very powerful.
So whether you want to start a business, lose weight, become more confident in yourself, or simply learn to get out of your own way and allow yourself to flourish, the Uncompromised Life is a great place to start
The Course in a Nutshell…
The Uncompromised Life home training course is an 8-week deep dive into your mind and the thought patterns and models of reality that shape your life.
Every week, you’ll take part in interactive Transformational Hypnotherapy sessions – one for each of the eight mind shifts – that empower you through tutorials, hypnotic exercises, and Q&A sessions designed to unlock your fullest potential.
Each of these transformations triggers positive change in your confidence, self-esteem, career performance, relationships, self-belief, work ethic, and more: all stepping stones towards your uncompromised life.
It’s a liberating, mind-expanding experience, and perhaps for the first time ever, it will open your eyes and guide you towards what you’re really capable of.
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Each module in this course is comprised of a main Uncompromised Life training session, hypnotic exercises, weekly assignments and recorded Q&A calls with Marisa to assist you in overcoming your blocks and challenges.
Rapid Transformational Therapy to bring you abundance in success, health & love
The 8 Mind Shifts You'll Transition Through
Over the eight weeks, Marisa uses her techniques to help you improve in 8 key areas. Here's what you can expect, plus my personal takeaways on each:
1. Connect with Your Mission
One thing that Marisa has learned from the worlds top performers is that they are guided by a mission that is bigger than them.
So the idea is that you connect with your mission. And once you have made that connection properly, you will have the focus and clarity to keep pushing forward towards it.
Once you have that clarity, you will understand what's required to reach that mission and begin to make decisions conducive to reaching that goal.
What I got from this lesson though is perhaps something that others missed. And that is that this mission never ends. And that's why really successful people keep being successful, because the mission never ends.
They always see the potential in what they're doing to be bigger than it currently is: that they can grow what they are doing to a greater level, that they can influence more people, that they can inspire more people.
Their success always leads on to more success, because they never limit the potential in their mind, and they believe in themselves and that they can go to another level.
So the fundamental point i'm trying to make here is never put a mental limit on your potential.
2. Upgrade Your Thought Processes
It's all in the mind, as they say. It's so true. We are our own worst enemy in this regard.
Marisa shows you how to stop sabotaging yourself through thought processes. You will replace your negative, unhelpful thought processes with empowering beliefs, emotions and models of success.
3. Subconscious Manifestation
I mentioned previously the influence our subconscious mind has over our lives. Marisa helps you discover subconscious manifestation and how the subconscious mind connects with your heart desires.
The idea is that you manifest the right people, situations and opportunities in life.
Once this becomes a habit, life becomes so much easier – because you are able to identify the right people to be around, the right situations to get yourself into, and out of this, opportunities arise.
You're probably sensing that this isn't rocket science, and it really isn't. You've probably heard the expression “you are your environment” – it really is true.
4. Thriving in the Unknown
This aspect of Marisa's training was of great appeal to me because socially I am not the most adept person.
For example, I have been to many conferences and seminars in places where I should have been networking with people with similar interests. But I usually come away having spoken to pretty much no one.
Quite often I will have questions I want to go up and ask the speaker afterwards, or I will overhear a couple of people having a conversation about something I've got some knowledge to contribute to.
In my mind I'm telling myself I should go and speak with them, but I've become so used to putting off not doing it that it has become my mode of operation to simply shy away from the opportunity.
This impressed me about Marisa, because she identified this as a key area – and that really makes me believe in the fact that she knows what she's talking about.
We have a tendency to find a comfort zone and hide there, because it's easy. But there's no growth in that comfort zone.
In that comfort zone we also have the opportunity to blame everyone else: our failures, our unhappiness, our lack of opportunity, it's all somebody else's fault. It's easy to apportion blame when you're sitting in your comfort zone.
When you take yourself out of that comfort zone and you look in the mirror it becomes clear that those who are enjoying an abundance of opportunity are doing so because they are thriving in unfamiliar environments. They are meeting new people and learning new skills all the time.
Going back to my example about conferences and seminars. If you speak to 25 people at one of these events, the likelihood is that at least one of those people will have some kind of opportunity for you or bring some value to your life at some point. But if you don't, it won't happen.
I think this area of teaching is arguably the most important in the Uncompromised Life program.
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5. Developing An Instinct For The Right Choices
I'm 40 years old now and I think only in the past 5 or so years have I been able to make more good choices than bad choices in my life.
When I look back over the years, I wish I'd had this knowledge, but then you can't put an old head on young shoulders – and there's a right time for everything.
Decision-making is everything. Developing an intuitive ability to make good decisions, even when you aren't really sure of what the pros and cons are the time, is a real skill that clearly the most successful people have.
Most of the time we just hesitate and end up not really taking action either way. Or we make a decision but second-guess ourselves and end up changing our minds, usually to the detriment.
Learning to trust your intuition is key, but, and this is a big but, unless you understand yourself and trust yourself, then you will never be able to trust your intuition.
6. Becoming Present & Grounded
If you practice mindfulness in any way then you will understand this concept.
There really is no point in living in the past and through past negative experiences, but so many of us do.
Marisa teaches the lesson that the past cannot help us, that it no longer exists. The only thing that exists is that now, the present moment.
We must take action in the present and make our decisions based on what is real, now.
7. Achieving Total Fulfillment & Zero Regrets
I have said to people before that I don't have any regrets, but this is not entirely true.
There have been various events and junctions where I've made decisions that were not conducive to my happiness. Some of them have arguably wasted many years of my life.
But then learning to accept those decisions and seeing them as a learning experience to get where I am today, which is a much happier person, is key to having no regrets going forward.
Marisa takes this one step further by helping you see that having zero regrets enables you to have total fulfilment. Why? Because you are totally accepting of yourself. You achieve self-love, where your criticisms, both internal and external, no longer bother you.
Essentially you become unstoppable and unshakeable. You are just moving forward with absolute commitment to your mission. It's what mindfulness teacher Alfred James calls “full catastrophe living”.
8. Fearlessly Carving Out Your Own Path
And so the program finishes on this note. Having essentially restructured your mind, remapped your subconscious and used Marisa's techniques to understand your mission and how you are going to get there, you will be ready to move forward and carve out your own path in life.
This is your unique journey, your personal mission. And this is where your happiness lies. And you really realize this by the end of the program.
You feel like you're not just going through the motions any more but that you have identified a purpose. And this brings with it a sense of contentment and happiness.
Marisa helps you release the need to seek approval, and how to have faith in your abilities to move forward and personally define your journey.
And what is key in this message is that if you look at the clients that Marisa has – and indeed all the successful people across the entertainment and business world – if we look at their lives, we can clearly see that they have a defined personal mission.
Right down to the branding of their clothing line, their social media accounts, or the way they play an instrument, sing a song, play their sport; they all have this personal definition of extraordinary success. It belongs to them.
Sure, we're not all going to become famous CEOs, or famous football players, or actors or actresses, but there's a place for all of us where we can succeed in our personal mission to a degree that makes us happy and have a wonderful purpose in life.
Uncompromised Life, In Summary
If you're considering Marisa Peer's training, I would 100% recommend the program.
But what I will say is that it takes a commitment. You have to want to change. You need to be ready to be receptive, and be open minded. Any brain entrainment requires this basic foundation.
You will need around 2 1/2 hours each week to complete the training. But it's absolutely worth it. If you consider that someone like Marisa, as a top therapist in the UK, would probably charge in excess of $350 an hour, this training is an absolute steal.
If you fall into one of the following categories then you really will benefit:
- If you're at a standstill in your life and you're unsure why things aren't panning out the way you want them to.
- If you're struggling with past experiences and think that they are holding you back from moving forward in life.
- If you struggle with anxiety, fear, and insecurity want to overcome these things so that you don't miss out on reaching your potential.
- If you are looking for easy techniques that you can incorporate into your life immediately and make profound change very quickly.
- If you want to identify a greater purpose in life and learn how you can move towards that in an uncompromising way.
- If you want to stop letting what other people think about you, and their opinions on what you're doing affect your life.
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